
Fishing inspiration

Google Cloud Technology Webinars, Product and Services news, Online Hackathon, Inspiring Quotes  Read more... Business Intelligence Workshop: Modern BI with Looker and  Google Cloud  Read more...   "Be patient and calm - for no one catch fish in anger." - Herbert Hoover Wonderful quote. When we are in angry situation, we can't do anything properly. We can't handle the environment, situation to our favor. We have to remain calm, act in a sober manner, soothe the situation and make the things work for everyone goodness.  "Fishing seems to be the favorite form of loafing." - E.W. Howe "You can be a big fish in a small pond, but you're only going to be competing against people at that level." - Finn Balor.  This is the wonderful practical life thought, because what you have got in your house is that much only you can use. There's is a maximum limit for everything. ☀Good Morning Friends... Have a beautiful day ☂ "Fishing is the best way

Dolphin delights

  "A Dolphin's smile is the greatest deception. It creates the illusion that they're always happy." - Ric O' Barry Make the Most of Google Maps Platform in 2024 February 28, 2024, 10:00AM PST   Read more... Last year, we have launched several products and features designed to optimize the mapping experience.  As we usher in 2024, we’re unveiling even more enhancements to help improve the customer journey, simplify workflows, and take your Google Maps Platform journey to the next level. Read more...  Join our February webinar to learn about key Google Maps Platform updates. We’ll cover topics from the benefits of upgrading to the new Routes API to how to bring the new places features to life with our new Places API. Below are the Speakers detail:👇👇 In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:👇👇 Upgrade your implementations with the latest products and features Protect your business-critical Google Maps Platform workloads with Enhanced Support Use the first Google-sp

Bird quotes

"Happiness is like a Butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder." By Henry David Thoreau. Yes true, if you try to get something furiously, take all steps to get that thing, you may not get it. You may waste all your resources and nothing will happen. On the other hand, if you behave casually and simply remain idle, that thing will come to your hand automatically. In this quote, it is butterflies, butterflies also like freedom. Why should we have to catch it? It is afraid of people. If it likes us, it will come and sit on our shoulder. But we can see and enjoy the butterfly from a distance without disturbing its freedom. We cannot force certain things to behave as per our wish. "Freedom is fun." "Desire is delight." Here, this quote author is trying to mean "One cannot get or achieve anything by force or by inflicting fear into others."

Dog quotes Dog Day Greeting Wishes etc.,

 #Dog_Day #dog_quotes #dog_wishes "If I could be half the person my dog is, I'd be twice the human I am." -Charles Yu Yes, true love ❤️ ❤️ deserves all the lauds, even the animals will feel human's true love and behave accordingly. Kind words, soft behavior will change even the hard heart to kind soul. Every action has reactions, it depends on our action. Our Hearty Thanks ♥ 🙏 for the pictures and various graphic design Apps using which we had converted quotes to images. It's all for the respectable Blog visitors free download. Billion thanks 🙏🙏 to Management and Staff of Google's Blogger Section. Happy National Dog Day "Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." -Roger Caras "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." -Ben Williams  Best of Next ’24 All the highlights from our biggest global event Get the local download from our flagship global moment, Next ‘24, with unique perspectiv