Dolphin delights


"A Dolphin's smile is the

greatest deception. It

creates the illusion that

they're always happy."

- Ric O' Barry

Make the Most of Google Maps Platform in 2024 February 28, 2024, 10:00AM PST Read more...

Take your Google Maps Platform journey to the next level Enhancements to help improve the customer journey

Last year, we have launched several products and features designed to optimize the mapping experience. As we usher in 2024, we’re unveiling even more enhancements to help improve the customer journey, simplify workflows, and take your Google Maps Platform journey to the next level.
Read more... Join our February webinar to learn about key Google Maps Platform updates. We’ll cover topics from the benefits of upgrading to the new Routes API to how to bring the new places features to life with our new Places API.
Below are the Speakers detail:👇👇

Google Maps Platform February 28 speakers detail

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to:👇👇

  • Upgrade your implementations with the latest products and features
  • Protect your business-critical Google Maps Platform workloads with Enhanced Support
  • Use the first Google-sponsored library to integrate Maps JavaScript API components in a React web app
  • Bring the power of Google Maps Platform into an iOS with new dependency management support through Swift Package Manager for the Maps, Places, and Navigation SDKs for iOS
  • And more

"Out at sea for a year,

floating free from all fear.

Every day blowin' spray, in

a Dolphin's Smile." 

- The Byrds


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